March 14, 2025

Obesity has made place in everywhere, almost 60 percent of the population has problems due to overweight. Yes this is a serious matter but if you take care of your diet then it can be controlled or made stable. Let us look at some foods which can get you rid off from excess fat in your body. So girls who need a flat belly and an eye catching figure here comes the list of food which will help in your diet plans.

  • Guava is the fruit that is a boon for the people who want to reduce their weight, as this fruit is very nutritious and is rich in vitamin C. peel of guava contains three times vitamin c as that of any other fruit so do not peel off before eating.
  • Pineapple, have 250 grams of pineapple per day. The vitamin c content of it cuts the fat out.
  • Spinach also helps in weight loss. Boil spinach in some water for few minutes; take it out drink the water it will help to reduce weight significantly. It is little bitter in taste but the results are sweet. In fact all leafy greens are helpful in reducing weight due to their high iron and carbohydrate content.
  • Eat dry fruits once in a day preferably almonds and if you cannot afford almonds as they are costly then have groundnuts. Dry fruits are rich in vitamin E and stimulate your hunger and sleep. Having irregular timings for meal and improper sleep can also b a major reason for your obesity.
  • Eating apple also encourages weight loss as a single apple contains 4 grams of fiber.
  • Having a carbohydrate rich diet might work in some cases, you can go for oatmeal once a day. Prefer to have oats three hours before you plan for work out. Or you can have cornflakes in your breakfast.
  • Eat salad as much as you can, include broccoli in your plate too. Prepare a plate of carrots, reddish and cucumber and replace one time meal with that plate of salad.

  • Have green tea or black tea. Both are beneficial in reducing weight but when it comes to comparison surveys show that people who drink black tea reduce their weight faster. Black tea contains some caffeine content so do not have it more than twice a day.
  • Mushrooms will make your hunger satisfied faster than any other food, also they are high in proteins.
  • In breakfast you can have eggs; studies show that people who ate eggs in breakfast felt more energetic then those who don’t. Do not eat the yellow part of the egg.
  • When we talk about non-vegetarians, meat is best for weight loss.
  • Thyroid can be reason for obesity, sea food does magic in regulating the metabolism of thyroid gland. So for those who are a victim of thyroid sea food is the best remedy.

Things which you should avoid:

  • Do not eat diet food like diet coke; as it contains 300 times more calories as compared to the simple one. These diet food or you can say sugar free food makes have an acid in them which makes your taste buds insensitive. Hence you do not sense the sugar present in the particular food.
  • Try to avoid juice. When you eat any fruit its fiber content helps to digest the sugar content present in it. But when you drink juice you are taking tons of sugar inside you.
  • Do not drink aerated drinks as the air bubbles present in them fit in your stomach and make you look fat.

Keep in mind food alone cannot make you look good. You need to work out for that. So exercise hard and look beautiful.