March 13, 2025

Female hearts may look similar to male hearts, yet there are vital variances between them. As an example, a woman’s heart and particular of its chambers are typically smaller. Some of these compartments have thinner walls that separate them. Female hearts beat quicker than male hearts, but they expel around 10 percent less blood with each contraction.

In times of stress, a woman’s pulse rate increases, and her heart beats faster. When a guy is under stress, his heart’s arteries contract, causing his blood pressure to increase. Are these differences significant? They are predominant because gender plays a role in the treatment like cardiac enzymes, symptoms, and outcome of coronary artery disease (CAD).

Women are more susceptible to risk factors than men:

As a result of some women-only disorders such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure that develop during pregnancy, coronary artery disease, the primary cause of heart attacks increase risk. Women under the age of 40 who have endometriosis have a 400 percent increased chance of getting coronary artery disease (CAD). High blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, high cholesterol levels, smoking, and obesity are all known risk factors for women. If a father or brother or mother or sister was diagnosed with CAD before age 55, women are at risk for heart disease, just as men are.

The average age of a woman who has their first heart attack is around 50 years old:

As estrogen levels decline after menopause, women are less protected against heart disease. Because of this, the average age of a heart attack in women is 70, whereas it is 66 for males.

Hard on a woman than a man:

The effects of a heart attack on women are less favorable than on men. It is common for them to require a lengthier hospital stay and die before they discharge. Women who experience a heart attack may have more untreated risk factors, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, than men. Often, this is because they prioritize their families before themselves.

Women do not always get the proper medication after a heart attack:

After a heart attack, women are more likely to develop a blood clot that can lead to a second heart attack than men. Due to unclear causes, they are less likely to be prescribed a blood clot-prevention medicine like cardiac enzymes. A next heart attack within a year is more common in women than in males.

It is arduous to detect CAD in women:

If you’re having your heart catheterized, the gold standard for discovering narrowings or blockages in the heart’s major arteries is an X-ray movie (angiogram). Angiograms, however, are generally unable to detect CAD in women because it affects the smaller arteries. Those women who have had angiography and are still experiencing symptoms should contact a cardiologist who treats women with heart disease.